How Whistleblowers are being assassinated in France (Part IV)
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How Whistleblowers are being assassinated in France (Part IV)
Governing is to scare and reassure
Robert Charvin
Fear is a political weapon
Many citizens are the victims of the lies of our political, economical, financial but also administrative, military, sanitary leaders. For years, whistleblowers from all backgrounds have proved that the truth scares and isolates. It is easier to destroy the lives of the ones who act in conscience, with all goodwill for the sake of the community rather than proposing long-term solutions. However, whistleblowers as defined by the French Sapin II law are not the only ones who alert about the State’s wrongdoings: the movie Gibraltar was inspired by the Customs agent Marc Fievet’s story. In the numerous interviews given to media, he has for years explained that he had been abandoned by the French administration.
His web site details the situation he had to face: "Undercover as of 1988 on the Costa del Sol and the drug hug Gilbratar, Marc Fiévet, age 43
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