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How are Whistleblowers being assassinated by the French Justice? (Part II)

How are Whistleblowers being assassinated by the French Justice? (Part II)

Publicado el 20, mar, 2021 Actualizado 20, mar, 2021 Política
time 13 min
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How are Whistleblowers being assassinated by the French Justice? (Part II)

Remember upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.

Alexander the Great



The French Law protects Corruption

The French law however complex and rich it may be, could still be improved in order to efficiently fight the corruption.

Mr Idea, one of my sources, explains that the French law must be put in place by dealing with the problem upfront. He supports the following reasoning: “The empowerment of those who know and remain silent responsibly is a prerequisite to any realistic discussion on ethics, in addition to the protection of the whistleblower. In order to seriously fight against the corruption we can not only attack its effects that force the victims to very long procedures and with improbable results. First and foremost, we must as much as possible dry up the source of the corruption which mainly stands in the protection afforded to ‘the ones who know’ in the name of a respect of individual freedoms whic

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