How Whistleblowers are being assassinated in France (Part I)
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How Whistleblowers are being assassinated in France (Part I)
In the fight against corruption, France cannot just satisfy itself with the existing situation.
Michel Sapin, Minister of Finances, July 2015
France, ‘The Country of Human Rights’
On the international scene, France is perceived as being the country of freedom of speech, of artists, philosophers, men of letters or even the one of poets. The world looks at France. Foreigners remember seeing approximately four million people demonstrate in silence in the streets of the French cities in January 2015 after the attacks, the victims of which were the Charlie Hebdo journalists, because each of them campaigned for the freedom of speech and a free press. Since 1789, the Declaration of Human and Civic Rights is a document of great significance in France as it reflects the ideals of the Republic upon which modern France is founded. It protects the freedom of communication, thoughts and opinions except when one must answer the
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