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A Father's Promise

A Father's Promise

Publicado el 22, ene, 2025 Actualizado 22, ene, 2025 Paranormal romance
time 1 min
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A Father's Promise

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Mr. Aldemar Thornfield believed it was impossible to apologize enough.

He couldn't imagine what it must be like for his son to face every day knowing that his mother, despite starting out as a kind and well-loved lady of the house, had become irrevocably twisted by the magic mirror she had held in her possession. It was her optimism and innocence that kept her from seeing the mirror's malice and what she had become as a result of it.

Even in an age of trains and typewriters, the shadow of unsavory enchantments lingered, no matter what skeptics claimed. On his way to his son's room, he couldn't help but overhear the whispers of the servants.

"Magic mirror? Please. The lady simply went mad."

"Poor child. To lose his mother so young..."

"And everyone knows madness runs in families. He won't escape it, mark my words."

Although Aldemar would never admit it, their words struck like well-aimed arrows, sharp with the fears he refused to name. Yet, he straightened his back, pushed open the door, and stepped inside.

He wanted to give his son something so much better than a future of carrying a ruined reputation.

He sat on the bed next to his son, and the young boy took his hand. "Papa, people will forget. We'll be okay."

He gave his father an encouraging smile. Aldemar sighed and gave the boy a gentle pat on the head.

"Regardless of what happens, Kaelen, keep in mind that your mother's mistakes are not yours. I want you to remember that."

He looked into his son's soft, ocean green eyes and saw too much of her--his forever lost wife. Her optimism had blinded her. Her innocence had ruined her. A deep ache bloomed in his chest.

Naivety was the enemy, and Aldemar would drive it out of his son, even if it cost him the boy's love. He would not let his son fall victim to the same fate.

Author's note:

Are you also a Substack user? If so, you can follow this story collection on Substack as well.

For more on the background and inspiration for this story collection, check out my blog post The Mirror's Son--Love and Shadows in the Glass

A Fantasy Romance Flash Fiction Collection.

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