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Arcadia Page



Currently I’m best known for my book, Idealist Dreams: How I Learned to Plan as an INFP. I also write articles that encourage sensitive, creative, and intuitive individuals to understand themselves and utilize their abilities.

Miembro de Panodyssey desde noviembre 2020

265321 visitas 11692 lecturas 2 Suscripciones 6 Suscriptores 26 me gusta 5 comentarios

Idealist Dreams

Posts for those with the INFP personality type from my blog at

Idealist Dreams
Idealist Dreams

Minimalist Productivity & Planning

Simple planning and productivity tips, designed to make you feel more calm and less rushed.

Minimalist Productivity & Planning
Minimalist Productivity & Planning

The Creative Entrepreneur

Here I'm sharing lessons learned about being a creative entrepreneur.

The Creative Entrepreneur
The Creative Entrepreneur
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