Deposition Landforms Build in the Head (a poem)
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Deposition Landforms Build in the Head (a poem)
Deposition Landforms Build in the Head
Someone switches over from the studio vibe
to the crowd going wild at a goal. As if you could
commentate on a match while also
playing in it.
Exactly. Magnesium’s a good one.
Athletes go nuts for it, supposedly.
Like when deep fascia and flesh slip against
each other like two currents of different temperatures,
but deposition landforms build only in the head.
We need to have a talk with the facts sometime. By the fridge,
a single human vocal chord buzzes. Opposite, the massed bulk of the
appeal courts. I am not a good home for you.
What else did you pick up at the Life Sciences Institute?
I know. Bursitis in the knees can be reversed.
Since then, whichever way
I think about it, a foglalkozás-egészségügy
is occupational health.
©Anna Bentley 2022 for the English translation