Why Science Fiction’s Known Future Won’t Happen
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Why Science Fiction’s Known Future Won’t Happen
5 Social Skills Frameworks for Navigating Emotional Hijacks
Have you ever thought that one is only knocked around by emotions, rather than being able to manage them? We stay in a world surrounded by stressors, conflict, and upheavals that at a given moment can enrage us and make us act in the wrong way. This is what Emotional Hijack means, it is a feeling that overcomes our rational self and gains control of our intelligence. But what if we told you that you can regulate them and prevent yourself from going for an emotional spin?
Read five easy models that contribute to identifying and controlling emotions to change your life for the better. By incorporating these frameworks into your life, you can unlearn the cognitive bias, resulting in reduced inclination of an emotional hijack and instead, default your decisions to rational thinking. Well then, let’s get right into it and find out these five tools that can dramatically improve your
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