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Trump and Nets of Dolls

Trump and Nets of Dolls

Publicado el 18, feb, 2024 Actualizado 18, feb, 2024 Cultura
time 3 min
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Trump and Nets of Dolls


One lie + one lie + one other (no, it's not a lullaby)... and a lie .... and...  amounts to a big very big one, and imagine behind all those (clearly compulsive now) LIES ? What it stands, or is at stake ? The Institute of National Remembrance's task, this respectable institution reminds us (FB on February 14th), is to bust myths and to nail lies. And we do the same, and it is particularly striking regarding my purpose, when they list nine historical milestones which, to my view, are likely recurrent ones especially with the American conspiracy and the CLASSIFIED documents case the former President of America stole .... since one very serious crime is getting rid of names (mind also to the Jewish list of names on walls of many institutes after genocide or Shoah). What is it upon Trump, himself involved into a Mega Scandal despite (adding the gag order) his use of social media like any campaigner, setting one like President Biden or

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