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Is Supreme Court Trump's Lawyer ?

Is Supreme Court Trump's Lawyer ?

Publicado el 3, mar, 2024 Actualizado 3, mar, 2024 Cultura
time 4 min
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Is Supreme Court Trump's Lawyer ?


It is a joke by Bill Maher with his usual wit, but I prefer to raise the question because it is very serious especially regarding some judges like Canon (enough!) and so others but also Court members like Clarence (enough!) .... and especially regarding Trump Defendant delay tactic by which he still can run for Presidency with the bigger despise for Justice and The Rule of Law enforcement or Democracy ... without for the moment being disqualified : a shame and an alert. Moreover, we know "Trump Trials" (forward ones in a far future it seems, we only fight now for his prosecution and indictment on a national scale), we know those trials of course involve other heads of State like Putin. It is then obvious that the American ongoing investigation or, if I may say, the American Case - more generally speaking a huge criminal conspiracy and not only a seditious one - starts resonating with a few world-wide conflicts and wars (if we just k

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