Remember February 12, 2022. Here We Are.
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Remember February 12, 2022. Here We Are.
Tribute and stylistic exercise.
The day was sunny, cold February was the month. It was five of clock in the evening, Nelson Equis with his collar turn up was trying to shun the velocity gusts. He came in through a glass door that said ‘Messenger Laboratories’ on it above his head, but he stumped inside slowly so that a cloud of dust and grit could follow him in.
It also had an OD of ether and cleaning gel. Besides, a disproportionate digital display screen was on the wall. It had a large head, indeed it was as large as a man’s hat and over thirty-three inches across. The masked face of a man about thirty-five years old, with black powerful looking beard, accentuated the beautiful lineaments of the face.
Then Nelson made his exit towards the escalator. If it was impossible to take an elevator, it was quite useless to try at all. It is safer to say that even in the best of times; that particular waiting period was too long. Furthermor
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