And Then He Died
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And Then He Died
I have forgotten everything!
I had loved him madly! Can we now look at the world and see only one being, only one desire, one name?
I will not tell our story. It’s always the same. In the sections above, we have described ourselves, and we found love in the other person. That’s all there is to it. And I had lived imprisoned in everything that came from him, so completely that I had lost feeling for every hour that passed – for day or night.
And then he died. How did he die? I don’t know any longer
I told him something and he replied to me.
That people still know how to do to one another? I don’t know any longer. I have forgotten everything! He died, I knew nothing more.
I went for a comparatively longer walk on the roads. Then, I returned home. The following day I went out traveling.
Yesterday, I came back.
When I saw my room again, this whole house, where all that remains of the life of a being after his death, I was filled up with sorr
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