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Published Sep 7, 2024 Updated Sep 11, 2024 Poetry and Songs
time 1 min
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lecture 9 readings

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My heart is filled with all the impossible loves I've carried away
My heart is full of cracks and aches, as if a million arrows had crashed into it
The flow seems never-ending, so I paint it purple
My eyes bleed in blue as my sorrow never fades away
I'm craving your love, I’m starving myself to death
You can even see my bones through my moonlit skin
Among all addictions, love is the hardest one to overcome
Emptiness is slowly and painfully taking control of my feelings
I can feel it inside my chest, spreading through my whole body
You held my heart in your hands, and now I just want to rip it out of my chest
I’m swallowing the grief, but the pain won't let me rest.
The numbness is creeping back into me

lecture 9 readings
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Comments (2)


Jackie H 11 days ago

Wow ! In English too, Alice ! 😯🙂😊👏🏻👍🏻
You're my sister on that one 🙂🤝 - I have projects in English as well 🙂
Thanks to you (and a few others) I feel a little bit more legitimate ❤️

Maybe I'll publish some old texts of mine here as well...

Your English is amazing and your text is powerful ! 👍🏻


Risperdalice 11 days ago

I’m trying, but I’m more comfortable in French, especially with poetry, to be honest. But yeah, if you feel it, you should definitely try to publish! :)

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