Covidian Mythologies and The Classified Documents Case
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Covidian Mythologies and The Classified Documents Case
I Don't know if a photo of Poseidon Temple, near Athens (the picture with the photographer himself pictured has been found in Reuters, July 3rd), talks to you but it may evoke yet a BIG ISSUE with a knot like GREECE (the Sea God) and AMERICA. Why not ? In those investigated times and propaganda ones at the same time (one without another one), many hypothesis as well as exposures and revealed facts (events) are welcome; here, such a full moon - "supermoon" - whose next photo (Reuters, the same day) is (by NASA) a galaxy with a brilliant quasar, such a picture may instruct us as a growing learning or knowledge advance upon what it is at stake on our trampled ground (not in the sky, its metaphorical mirror) concerning politics stage and human beings society, so AFFAIRS and CORRUPTION, DEALS and CASES. Like Present as Mirror of Past, West in regard to East (and perhaps vice versa) but surely also some CURRENT AFFAIR as interference betwe
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