BE HUMBLE : NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW !(Classified Documents Case, COVID19 Case, Cold Case...)
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BE HUMBLE : NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW !(Classified Documents Case, COVID19 Case, Cold Case...)
For Today - Canaday Day (Happy) -, it is useful to remember some elements of Democracy as Rights Conquest especially in America with a Constitutional Model or standard comparing with what is happening all those days now about Trump Defendant and soon (more or less) with Trump trials. Actually nobody, any President - the current one or the former one, when it is The Rule of Law which prevails - is above the Law; and you know that HUMILITY is one opposite to ARROGANCE; one, because MISUNDERSTANDING OF POWER (what power means, what it is) in another one. Who really like stupidity ? Most part of us know that the power issue is to keep power once conquered (very difficult) as a (Machiavelian) recall for limits of it (counter-power, like media even not mass or main one); and what ever you could think or mock if you are addicted to any domination (an all-power phantasm, an uneducated child's one or a robust child within a non likely state
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