Classified Docs Case, COVID19 Case and Cold Case : REALITY.
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Classified Docs Case, COVID19 Case and Cold Case : REALITY.
I borrow the picture to the Weekly Reality Report (July 2d) by Colin Wright, not in that sense it would seem to mean or in that direction it would follow unless for refusing the non politically correct critics of duality or binary SEX/GENDER as if some news within Gender Studies (American Institution, now a conformist standard) had happened while such a difference (in accordance with any modus or way of living) actually recovers the same between NATURE/CULTURE and refers to the only but men and women or TWO SEXES (try to get children with denial of biology, no exit ; free are those who in intimacy (by personal performance or gender transformations by crossing boudaries), or not some but without incommoding others, who live as they wish (as anybody concerning privacy, a right of living without an outside eye like an unfitted judgment). But, here is my point and heres is in accordance with clear and not confused minds : REALITY is alw
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