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And Then He Died

And Then He Died

Pubblicato 15 set 2024 Aggiornato 15 set 2024 Drama
time 2 min
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And Then He Died

I have forgotten everything!

I had loved him madly! Is it strange to see in the world only one being, only one desire, and only one name?
I will not tell our story. It’s always the same. We have met and we loved each other. That’s all there is to it. And I had lived imprisoned in everything that came from him, so completely that I no longer knew if it was day or night.
And then he died. How did he die? I don’t know any longer

I spoke to him, he answered me.

What did we say to each other? I don’t know any longer. I have forgotten everything! He died, I knew nothing more.
I strolled for quite a while on the roads. Then, I returned home. The following day, I went out traveling.
Yesterday, I came back.
When I saw my room again, this whole house where all that remains of the life of a being after his death, I was seized by a return of grief. Unable to remain in the middle of these things, I ran away, to save myself. When reaching the door, I

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