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Remember February 12, 2022. Here We Are.

Remember February 12, 2022. Here We Are.

Veröffentlicht am 15, Sept., 2024 Aktualisiert am 15, Sept., 2024 Science fiction
time 5 min
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Remember February 12, 2022. Here We Are.

Tribute and stylistic exercise.

It was a cold and sunny February day. It was 5 p.m. Nelson Equis, with his collar up, was trying to avoid the chill wind. He walked through the glass door of the “Messenger Laboratories” block, but not fast enough to keep a swirl of dust and dirt from rushing in with him.

The hall smelled of ether and cleaning gel. To the side, a disproportionate digital display screen was on the wall. It showed a huge face, more than three feet wide. The masked face of a man about thirty-five years old, with thick dark hair, accentuated beautiful features.

Nelson headed for the escalator. It was pointless to try to take the elevator. Even in the best of times, the wait was too long. Also, at that time, electrical power was rationed during the day. This was one of the energy-saving measures taken in preparation for Green Week.

His apartment is located on the fourth floor. Nelson, an obese twenty-nine-year-old who suf

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