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10 Years Is a Period Long Enough to Make Me Homesick

10 Years Is a Period Long Enough to Make Me Homesick

Veröffentlicht am 15, Sept., 2024 Aktualisiert am 15, Sept., 2024 Drama
time 2 min
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10 Years Is a Period Long Enough to Make Me Homesick

When the cab turned onto the road to my village, I was anxious.

Last September, I returned to my hometown for the first time in ten years, a period long enough to make me homesick.
After a flight of almost 2 hours, the plane landed at the airport. We then took a cab. As we approached my village, I asked the driver to slow down, so I could enjoy the mountains, the river, and the fields.

My heart was overflowing with joy.

When the cab turned onto the road to my village, I was anxious. At the side of the road, the children looked at me with big round eyes. They did not know me and laughed as they ran behind the cab with curiosity. The old men and villagers seemed to recognize me, but they were not sure until the cab stopped in front of my house. When the driver opened the door, all the neighbors arrived.
My brother greeted them. They hugged me and cried. I was very moved. In the evening, the whole village came to visit me. Nobody wanted

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