Do You Feel the Warmth of an Old Flame?
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Do You Feel the Warmth of an Old Flame?
The oblivion of the past.
There are events in which a woman just wakes up in the morning with a smartphone, or one evening after dinner she turned to check her smartphone. She looks at her emails and her work profile. There are a few notifications, including one that catches her eye: It takes only a brief moment to see the message, “Ethan L. has viewed your profile.” Something about it does ring a faint bell in the back of her mind, she wonders what it is?
She remembers in the blink of an eye. Ethan, of course and, to my surprise, they went to college together such a long time ago.
Almost 40 years ago...
She looks at the picture. Yes, that’s him! The years have gone by, and the hair is cropped, though the face remains the same one. He is not very aged either, as he is somewhat over fifty, but not yet close to sixty. Time started to march on, and I felt like it was so incredibly long ago when I first year was. They added each other
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