Trump Connections, Mafia and Classified Documents.
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Trump Connections, Mafia and Classified Documents.
Foreword :
"The public record is replete with evidence that Assange went to considerable lengths to excise names from documents before publishing" (Andrew Cockburn, journalist and editor-author, Twitter, Feb 23)
Bad trip with a lawyer who'd pretend to assume Justice Department and Minister ("et avec un avocat comme garde des Sceaux, on est mal partis...", in Alain Laville, Le Juge Michel, 1982).
No JUSTICE without Judgment, capability to make algorithms (complicated links, even unbelievable ones by following a long long chain of criminal corruption, what it's called crime organization). News focus is of course on Trump case (and his judicial lot) : the CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS robber, some have been found again in Donald Trump US Riviera after FBI raid), The Connection Man or Mr Business Tower with so many charges concerning his person - a former President with duties he did not fulfil - and about whom a few counsels or committees (s
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