Donald Trump Indictment will be Julian Assange Release
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Donald Trump Indictment will be Julian Assange Release
Thank you to Hastings Contemporary ('Newsletter', 2022 December 30th) which inspired me : MINDFULNESS (of course with ART) for now and all along this new year 2023 especially at its beginning. Adding, to complete the following paper, my post on LinkedIn (sorry, it's in French : "Histoire de polémiquer : un infréquentable") which is a short reading of an essay on Aristote Onassis (not really a good company, certainly not) or another anti-figure - with Donald Trump (MeidasTouch, " The loser of the year [2022], with his opinion on Jews") - or a negative figure of Julian Assange. Why ? It's coming... The point : Connections to Organized Crime in regard of the so precious political alleged "Espionage Act" (State viewpoint, population security) and the so precious democratic basic privacy rights (citizen viewpoint, individual security).
First of all, I would like to talk about Assange's book (2014), When Google Met WikiLeaks, actually, Assa
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