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Indict Trump, and more.

Indict Trump, and more.

Veröffentlicht am 25, März, 2023 Aktualisiert am 25, März, 2023 Kultur
time 3 min
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Indict Trump, and more.

Trump's fall is near; Fox disinformation is prosecuted, Silicon Valley is no more bankable and the Never-More-President's lawyers are prosecuted too. Lies, BIG LIE, BIG DEAL, HUGE BUBBLE....and soooooon Tsunami (and not also in Florida), I mean unprecedented Scandal. End of CRIMINAL silly game or fakes (names, unions, news, and so on).

Reuters today with 'Weekend Briefing' (March 25th) enunciates a triviality but a useful one (no need to panic, to cry) : Banks and Turmoi, "You can't have one without the other". And I beg, after a Japan symbolic Tempest, distrust of Market which will lead to another trust with other names and titles or crowns : official new ones, restored ones : true ones this time. Reuters says also many interesting things as : Trump's name is synonymous with death and destruction (go away please Mr Felon, yesterday ally with Russia (block one : partners and conspirators ..., anti-American or/and countries with no Con

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