L. A., C. I., Assassinations andIndictments.
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L. A., C. I., Assassinations andIndictments.
Do you like, appreciate show, showbiz, nowadays showcase ? No if you are Resistant, fight for Justice (a Wall whatever you think, believe, mock, worry about...) that is for Truth and only but Truth, for values Democracy ..., alas Ridiculous - obvious fake values, and behind them Conflict of Interest ... - does kill nobody. The picture we can see in The Art Newspaper Daily (March 30th) still can make us some links ; its title : "Art collector Myriam Ullens Killed outside her home in Belgium, allegedly by her stepson." It is paradoxically pleasant in some crazy political days when Trump figures out (but not only him), in those strange times at crossroads. As it happens : Indictments regarding two former Presidents who are enmies of Justice or Courts, two previous lawyers and business addicted persons (false lights and gift of the gab : a kind of remixed Far West).
What's on ? VIOLENCE, shooting in schools, mass murder country on a T
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