Pink is Pink. "The World Birth" ...
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Pink is Pink. "The World Birth" ...
Do you like painting ? Gustabe Courbet, a French artist, is known among others because of his painting which made scandal in another times ("L'origine du monde") but no more now in our modern and progressive era: rights for many (not only for White Men), on the contrary of a hateful supremacism which alas remains a threat. In those strange and crazy times and even scandalous ones with a former President of America who is mainly charged upon criminal organization without yet been indicted (hurry up please !!!!), this painting is indeed learning much. And COVID19 - name code for an untold war which regards ADN as if it has to be replaced by an alternative one and which seems to deny natural immune system by fabric of insane and dangerous vaccines and AmRN - can by itself be a signal for an issue like BIRTH, FAMILY, and so on.
Trump 's confession is strangely hidden like a taboo, the same who antisemitic words fairly have been denounciat
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