Forgotten ? THE HOT LINE(but all things must pass)
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Forgotten ? THE HOT LINE(but all things must pass)
The David Pakman Show (FB, April 5th) chose that headline, which is vey interesting about lies - BIG LIES, Big Lie as BIG DEAL - and usurpations. It is because it insists that Donald trial - "Defendant Trump" - is in inverse proportion to Julian Assange trial or more specifically Assange case - case, political persecution (mind N. Melzer's book) - who we cannot rebuke for fuss (also with defamation and threats) and fake (the oposite of WikiLeaks boss who rightly ignores temptation and sin of post-truth) ; pay attention please, as a counte-effect of a Trumpian/suprematist mirror (the narcissistic deadly one) and don't call out (don't cry please, stop crying : being terrified) as if he would have ti face Medusa or see himself as a pseudo unicorn (in accordance with an old art the businessman doesn't know: "Donald Trump 'facing' 136 years in prison". Yes, 136 years in jail for all his crimes ; sure serious ones, especially as President of
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