Conspiracy of One, Antisemitism, violation of the "Espionage Act" : and the guilty is not Julian Assange.
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Conspiracy of One, Antisemitism, violation of the "Espionage Act" : and the guilty is not Julian Assange.
A CONSPIRACY (and so, co-conspirators) is a long chain, net of lies; actually conspirators only but make false statements and some of them are particularly serious and dangerous : criminal ones. Indeed Trump is a true conspirator with such conspirators : staff, teams, inside and outside US ; that's the point. On the contrary, Assange is not. So it is a bit surprizing that referrals concerning Donald Trump - the former President of US is about conspiracy to defraud the government, about obstructing an official proceeding but not yet about ESPIONAGE whereas a honest man like Julian Assange - only but a citizen - is accused of espionage as if he would threat any state of America... like a terrorist (a high tech one, according to Joe Biden) and/or an awful criminal. In The Trial of Julian Assange. A Story of Persecution, Nils Melzer (see his report on torture) showed the WikiLeaks Boss is a victim as subject of a political Conspiracy. He d
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