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Trump, Conspiracy (Effects) and International Situation : the mess, democracy at risk

Trump, Conspiracy (Effects) and International Situation : the mess, democracy at risk

Publicado el 4, ago, 2024 Actualizado 4, ago, 2024 Cultura
time 4 min
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Trump, Conspiracy (Effects) and International Situation : the mess, democracy at risk


Maybe someone says it is a family affair (see the photo, on Twitter July 29th) but it is a political one first of all where POWER or/by ELECTION are at stake under an autocratic regime : a Far Right like a Far Left like Iran and so on, Russia (the alas famous axis, bad named except by PM Netanyahu  : "terror axis"). Corruption was some long time ago daily implanted like seeds of violence (by silence, steal, defamation, and so on). CORRUPTION of minds (judges and remarkably those of Supreme Court), corruption by SPIES (East vs West : a cyberwar too), by MONEY (hush one, bribery, Mob ....) and so on until by FAKES REIGN ( a supposed post-truth, that is not justice (none) because justice is or tells, spells out truth) ; a reign of DISINFORMATION as a kind of lack of critical mind, of ethical code ..... Still yesterday, "Politics Video Channel" : (breaking) "Massive Trump Scandal Uncovered". A question of TIME, Justice one but not the o

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