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TRIALS (AHEAD) and JAIL(trusting Democracy : work in progress) 

TRIALS (AHEAD) and JAIL(trusting Democracy : work in progress) 

Publicado el 25, ago., 2024 Actualizado 25, ago., 2024 Cultura
time 5 min
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TRIALS (AHEAD) and JAIL(trusting Democracy : work in progress) 


This both repulsive and attractive photo is from "Libération", French Press on August 20th : liberation. It refers to an investigation during seven days at Guatanamo, a symbol of America Terror and a war against such a prison or Tower. Generally speaking, bad reputation for strangers especially from Europe and its old humanism with for example the end of death sentence but certainly not from East and Empire tradition where human rights are a true blank; protests regarding West are easy, especially by who are indicted or targeted by American Justice. France sent then investigators or journalists in that Cuban bay for whom and where that jail is a very enigma since it sprouted just after the September 11th. Actually, ultra dangerous people are its hosts : no names, but Court or Justice silently does its job. Anyway, that object or matter for information(s) all recall to KENNEDY Time as well as to Cold War, and today with one Kennedy (

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