Julian Assange ? No Guilty !
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Julian Assange ? No Guilty !
So nice the little girl sleeping well, knowing she's really not alone anymore. The picture is found in The Conversation (December 20th), The Australian online magazine ; maybe it's strange to be associated with autism : who doesn't understand world, not the fake narrative one ? Very few, I suppose ; if not, we would not live in a so confused insane and corrupted world like a conspiracy or trumpist one, really. I imagine (I prefer) she's wandering in her night thoughts toward an own and fine family : dad, mum and brother.... Anyway, had to choose such an image for showing either Justice & Peace (by dream) or Non Justice & War (by nightmare), that is : INNOCENCE on one hand, CULPABILITY on another hand.
You know, if you aim to study Asssange 'work and life', you notice there's a book which is called not by chance : Purity (by Jonathan Franzen). Don't know until I read it, but read some others like The Trial of Julian Assange. A Story o
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