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Old Enemy. Trump and Treason

Old Enemy. Trump and Treason

Publicado el 25, feb, 2023 Actualizado 25, feb, 2023 Cultura
time 3 min
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Old Enemy. Trump and Treason

Among so many charges upon the shameful President is for ever called Donald Trump, we know the one for betrayal which goes with bizarre ties regarding ascendancy joined forces (and maybe, why not, with his own election), for instance with Russia (yes with Putin as the Chief of a old very old country and its repetitive wars and attacks) ; we know that Russiagate was already investigated by a former famous FBI Chief - Robert Muller - on one hand, by a few journalists on the other hand (some are suicided, at least a British one) and among them by Julian Assange. On manners and customs level, who could argue the idea of Human Rights Country ? Don't object me please the refugee figure of a whistleblower as if it is not an old tactic on a political chess, Mr Puttin being a very good warrior. But at a right distance, Russian Patriarchy (deny of different kinds of rights to different kinds of individuals according their sex choices, also their

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