How is Freedom of the Press being assassinated (Part II)
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How is Freedom of the Press being assassinated (Part II)
“The freedom to inform is one of the pillars of our democracy”.
Victor Hugo’s 1848 speech about the press
Whistleblowers and Journalism
For the whistleblowers, the media is one of the privileged interlocutors in spite of the displeasure of the multinationals taking them to court. The journalists, whose job and duty is to inform, see real ‘scoop’ suppliers in these responsible citizens.
The Italian artist Davide Dormino and his statues #anythingtosay? Pompidou Center, Paris, September 2015 - Personal collection
Who else but an artist could express what courage represents towards the steamroller which we all face? The Italian sculptor DavideDormino had wished to pay a tribute to Assange, Snowden and Manning whilst creating ‘Anything to Say’? Three bronze statues standing on three chairs next to an empty chair. The citizens are invited to have the courage to talk while standing on the fourth and empty chair to “have anoth
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