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Cultivating Compassion for Customers in Uncertain Times

Cultivating Compassion for Customers in Uncertain Times

Published Sep 22, 2024 Updated Sep 22, 2024 Economy
time 1 min
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lecture 13 readings

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Cultivating Compassion for Customers in Uncertain Times

A guide to providing empathy.

Stepping into the unknown is a natural source of apprehension for anyone venturing beyond familiar comforts. As businesses supporting customers through significant life changes or decisions, we must not brush over these valid anxieties but address them with empathy, care, and community.

Doubt is often rooted as much in past difficulties as in future unpredictability.

By sharing our vulnerabilities, we alleviate the sense of facing fears alone. Active listening without judgment or solution-focused responses allows anxieties to surface from shadows into the light of open understanding.

Gaining insight into customers’ core concerns reveals where preventative information and concrete forms of reassurance can help empower moving forward at a comfortable pace. Preparatory reference materials covering what to expect and common questions customers may have as they learn a new process are useful.


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