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The nominees for the latest Panodyssey competition winners have been revealed.

The nominees for the latest Panodyssey competition winners have been revealed.

Published Aug 2, 2023 Updated Aug 2, 2023 Culture
time 2 min
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lecture 137 readings

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The nominees for the latest Panodyssey competition winners have been revealed.

The second award ceremony for the writing competition will be hosted on July 31, 2023. The candidates of the highly successful writing competition organised by the Panodyssey worldwide programme and its Hungarian partner, Book Magazine, as part of the has been selected by Panodyssey ambassadors Réka Borda and Tibor Noé Kiss.

Panodyssey is a French initiative whose primary goal is to develop a community site where users may directly publish and commercialise their own writings. The Creative Room European Alliance collaboration works to expand Panodyssey's distribution across Europe. Currently, this worldwide programme brings together organisations from more than 9 European countries. It is present in Hungary through the professional cooperation between Book Magazin and Pro Progressione since the beginning of 2022 autumn. The cooperation seeks to promote the visibility of the Panodyssey platform in Hungary.

As part of the collaboration, Panodyssey announced the second creative writing competition, which was a huge success: 166 submissions were received before the deadline of 30 June. The topic of the competition was "A Walk in Spaces, in Stories," welcoming short proses reflecting on the theme. "A city can be a very lonely place, and if we acknowledge this, we also acknowledge that loneliness is not synonymous with physical isolation, but rather with a lack of connections, closeness, or scarcity of kindred spirits: when, for this or that reason, we are unable to find the intimacy we crave," writes Olivia Laing in her book The Lonely City, which discusses the connection of cities and people. What are our initial perceptions of cities? And in a little town? What about the middle of the street? In a neighbourhood? What changes took place in the human-environment relationship? What tales are told by a street, a home, or a walk?

Panodyssey ambassadors Réka Borda and Tibor Noé Kiss chose the 10 finalists. The three winners will not only get a financial reward, but their submissions will also be published in the Book Magazin in Hungarian and English.

The following people have been named to the competition's shortlist: Kata Evellei, Farkas B. Szabina, Janka Fodor, Sára Gáspár, István Margetin, Anna M. Nagy, Árpád Patai, Lukács Solymosi, Judit Szőnyi, Natália Virág Szűcs

Congratulations to everyone who was nominated!

Discmlaimer: The above article is the English translation of the original Hungarian article published on Book Magazin.

Visual design taken from the Könyves Magazin website.

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