Debate Countdown and Assault on DOJ
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Debate Countdown and Assault on DOJ
Department of Justice assault is daily, or almost : and 'ad hoc' (AG Merry Garland, for example). It is obviously a gain of time for Trump Defendant while he still runs for Presidency without any real strong opposition from any political class, including the supposed challenger Mr RFK Jr since he is now excluded from the debate ahead (my photo is CNN's 5 Things, June 20th : "a historic showdown"). Gag order, one more time, is disputed ; but is that itself sufficient ? The presumptuous rude former President of America denies everything, contests anything, he even declares he won't not accept Biden victory. Another Putin ? New York High Court rejects however Trump's attack on Gag Order ; and of course at the same time, corrupted Judge Cannon (who hates J. Smith) takes on Gag Order issue. But Aileen Cannon is not the only one to obstruct, some members of Supreme Court fight against DOJ too (Alito, needless to talk about Clarence). Investigation and prosecution are denunciated as unfairly accusatory; it seems that GOP (not MAGA) is utterly pro-Trump like disciples of a cult Chief or like robots followers of a dictator. We also watch now Mr Fauci on TV, very satisfied of himself (host of The Maddow Show for example, on MSNBC) even he is no more and for nobody a hero (many deaths from shots, especailly teens ones). But why ? To witness ? To deprive American people of any doubt or suspicion regarding Covid vaccines mandates about not a flu but a mysterious very dangerous virus until to disobey, disrespect and deny Nuremberg Code, a Jewish one at a worldwide if not European Court ? In brief : if we only believe into what we see, Donald Trump and his administration - and his more or less close staff, even Bannon goes however in jail, no delay this time - are perfect candidates for White House : not for Democracy they don't care about. The Israel State situation seems actually the core (like Trump compared to a hub in such both American and worldwide conspiracy) of an ideological battle whose fighters (terrorists, in capacity of destroying by nuclear weapon) are a league against Netanyahu (but he could have been against any Prime). And another comparison regarding generally speaking CORRUPTION is remarkable in regard to both WHO (the covidian narrative supporter as well as friend of billionaires as fundraisers like Gates) and UN : How, still, Antonio Guterres (Who to oppose him ?) can say Lebanon is going to be a new Gaza whereas Israel is attacked now by Lebanon, adding Hamas (since October 7th) and Iran (guess behind) ? Inversion viewpoint propaganda, with right focus shift during presidential campaign in America, is like a watchword of no one seems to be aware (each imprisoned in his own little cage, money keys out of it). Come on.
The so-called "huge seditious criminal conspiracy" (just before indictment and other charges upon the Felon) has then to be viewed now prior to both the first and the possibly likely new ELECTION of the Mar-a-Lago owner. I mean, regarding a giant chess on which pawns from any kind (with fitted skills) play the game : false diplomacy (real trade) until treason like pact or deal with Russia (which one?) Don't forget the very serious charge against Trump felony - The Espionage Act Violation - neither too allied heads of State of non-democracy or corrupted ones (follow campaigns money) with such a breach regarding quite old AMERICA partnership with ISRAEL for example which is now at pain : Evangelist or suprematist vs Jewish on one hand, on the other hand fatwas against impure Jude to persecute by replacing the Rule of Law by a God or supra one into an up or a supreme kingdom ! I keep on raise the question : Trump fascination for a sort of East strength (not purity but muscle), like another Putin. Let's have a look to the Russia Chief Tour (source : The Guardian, First edition, June 20th) : "The US has been the most vocal in expressing its concern and alarm at the growing closeness between Kim and Putin". A lovely duet, is it ? I go on : "Russia has been providing political cover for Kim's desire to advance his nuclear arsenal by blocking UN sanctions on North Korea over its weapon tests". Still no one to cry against ? And the Tour is a grand one (spies jobs elsewhere - maybe in jail for some of them, but it does not matter - and from a pretty long time with secret and even private informations) : "Vietnam's President To Lam welcomes Putin at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi" (source : Reuters Daily Briefing, June 20th). A BIG EAST (without damned useless Europe, why? Brexit as a pro-Trump idea, given ideas don't go to him, but in accordance with what we call 'trumpism' ?), like or proportionally to a BIG LIE or BIG DEAL we still don't know because trials are ahead and not now (Trump & Co delay tactic).
INTERFERENCE or INFORMATION : the key. Canada lately expessed a fear, cautious too about a supposed declassification (source : Twitter, "True North", June 17th) : "Green Party's Elisabeth May says there are a number of reasons why the unredacted NSICOP report on foreign interference should not be made public." THE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS, in America or elsewhere, are a big issue like secrecy regarding any State and privacy any citizen. The way of a counter-amnesia (to maintain the only and only one sane fair FOCUS) as well as a sane race for Power Top at the Oval Office (a sane, not an insane with a deranged mind who denies also January 6th insurrection) is for example (into that fuss and noise) is to read to be informed (the better way of progressing). It's about a book by Andrew Weissmann (source : Twitter, "The Intellectualist", June 16th) : Where Law ends. Inside the Mueller Investigation. The interview with Margaret Hoover (PBS) is very precious because one name, tied to Trump one, is still repeated but not another. Let's begin by the first repeated one : Paul Manfort, Trump's second campaign manager delt with Russia on Ukraine; Mueller Probe must not be forgotten. A DEAL (with many other ones since) and it is a very smoking gun, not just an allegation. MANAFORT thus. Come one : next. Who met Manafort and so on ? Perhaps a new crucified like ASSANGE ! dealing, like haccking, is a crime: UK and EU partnership at stake too ?
To both my murdered parents, to my missing family (including my son who is still alive), and to my countrymen and friends (no doubt).
God Bless America,
God Bless Israel,
God Bless Ukraine.