Green Tales
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Green Tales
Panodyssey is traveling to Brussels next week.
We are very happy to participate in the launch of a wonderful and ambitious creative and artistic project around creative writing.
Writers will embark on a multidisciplinary journey bringing together small and large artists. The diversity of languages, generations and writings will be at the heart of this project which will unfold over several years.
And yes, it is indeed a creative and recreational odyssey that we are offering you and we will not tell you more about it for the moment!
I forgot...
The artists of this project in the colors of Europe are children. More than 100 children from different backgrounds will come together to write, sing and dance around a vision of a world that is theirs.
They will share this adventure with great artists and a very prestigious cultural and musical institution recognized throughout the world.
The stories and their multimedia animations will be published on a network where quality texts are highlighted, a creative and serene European network: Panodyssey.
The rest of the story will soon be revealed to you by a writer passionate about tales and Greek mythology: I invite you to follow the next writings by Baharan Naseri on Panodyssey.
I'm thrilled and excited by this project! It's not quite born yet, and I love it already...
Alexandre Leforestier, Prince Of Panodyssey
Cover photo taken by Alexandre Leforestier at Dieppe in Normandy - France - in April 202