The UBS file, the French justice and the American justice
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The UBS file, the French justice and the American justice
On January 21st, 2014 I asked to be heard by the American justice in reference to the trial of Mr Raoul Weil. As a Number 3 at UBS and a Managing Director of UBS Wealth Management, he was directly leading the operations in Americas, Europe and Asia. Suspected to have organized the tax evasion of more than 20,000 American citizens for an amount reaching twenty billion US dollars, Raoul Weil pleaded not guilty about the charges against him, recognizing that he had no responsibility in the tax evasion system implemented by UBS. During the autumn of 2014, he was released by a Florida court. This decision of the Florida justice is surprising when one knows that the USA has made the banks pay huge amounts after being sentenced in tax evasion cases. In 2009, UBS had to pay an amount of 780 million US dollars after an agreement with the US authorities and when Mrs Hillary Clinton was then Secretary of State.
The banks pay very high fines beca
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