How are Whistleblowers being assassinated by the French Justice? (Part I)
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How are Whistleblowers being assassinated by the French Justice? (Part I)
“The French justice is ranked N° 37 out of 43 European countries, behind Armenia and Azerbaijan”
Council of Europe - European Commission for the Efficiency of the Justice (CEPEJ)
France is a developed country with the most important number of laws. That piece of information heartened me the very month I was made redundant by UBS. I assumed very naively that with such a number of laws, rules and regulations, corruption could not exist in our country. I thought: UBS will be sentenced within a year! When one instills values in one’s children, one cannot anticipate that the respect of the law and of our Constitution is not in the DNA of the very qualified people one is going to confront. My confidence towards the corporate world being then shaken, I turned to the justice but could not imagine that twelve years after filing a complaint against UBS for the illegal selling of offshore products which led to the massive tax evasion
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Um Zugang zu erhalten, abonniere den Creative Room Whistleblowers: The Manhunt (Hunters become the hunted) von Stephanie Gibaud
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