How are Whistleblowers assassinated by the French Justice? (Part III)
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How are Whistleblowers assassinated by the French Justice? (Part III)
Fire tests gold, suffering tests brave men.
Five years after the Sapin II law was passed, what about ethics within justice?
Françoise Nicolas’s case is symbolic in terms of legal costs to be paid by the whistleblower. As a civil servant employed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she explained to me that since the summer of 2015 the consequences of her situation as a whistleblower have come in many different forms and led to numerous procedures. Since she suffered the physical attack, the former diplomat has spent over 50,000 euros in solicitor’s fees. However her case has come up against the ‘reasons of state’ even though no-one in her administration has disputed the existence of the fictitious expenses which she disclosed. She certifies that she has lost everything before the different courts, which each time held motives that left her helpless and incredulous. Here is what this civil servant wrote to me in
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Um Zugang zu erhalten, abonniere den Creative Room Whistleblowers: The Manhunt (Hunters become the hunted) von Stephanie Gibaud
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