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Witchcrafted Souls

Witchcrafted Souls

Veröffentlicht am 11, Juli, 2021 Aktualisiert am 11, Juli, 2021 Kultur
time 1 min
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Witchcrafted Souls

forwarding witchcraft is over your head

they're skullfucking ya brain

forwarding chaos can also be a way of being

but will you can brainfuck tha streets ?

if you get a sack of powering subliminations

then are you also a son of KIA ? I'm an emanation of ZOS.

and I did drugs from a lot of manners

did you think aboutt the feeding of the Wolf ?

and will ya stand thee extaziz ?

ya better reject it if you can't stand riding,

freeze it, bold it, reject it as a chastetized priest .

then you gotta fool tha funny voices, neva belief

just having faith in yaself

so then you gotta improve your knowledges...

just caring about thee manifestation of your karma,

from your own holyness when life structures death and death structures life

secret of the LSD.

shall ya get control over your existing awareness,

bring it to another state of mind control, 

brainfuck your ennemies cos they just deserve skullfuck,

nothing elses,

Immanentize the Eschatton and lift up your existenz

to the universal mindness, kindread awareness.

you then notice you lived in a fake consumerist dream

of fantasmagoriaz dat have no meanings

if only you could get rid from yar libido

you could dream awake, and travel into dreemz.

you're a wiccan, you're a kindread soul n mind

and nobody would breakdown  my addiction to love n laughter.

nobody can guess or know how I do feeling

nothing visible in my behavior

but now I know I can heal my sufferings,

alive into chaos I screwed up my soul,

and skullfucked my brain,

and got reborn a lover, reborn a black healthen

and now gotta set a new state of mind control

where a won'tbe a slave but a Lord of Discordja

liberated from the black iron jail of silence

i also noticed where's my true will,

my will is in my innerheart and mindself control

people are jealous from skycladers,

cos we're all empowered actors of a dream alived reality

and hey they neva can catch how witchcraft works

they they're unpowered and narcistic towards us

cos they do feel we're madmens, but madness is held freedom 

from our souls



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