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Jail of knowledge

Jail of knowledge

Veröffentlicht am 7, Aug., 2021 Aktualisiert am 10, Aug., 2021 Kultur
time 1 min
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Jail of knowledge

jail of knowledge

I wish to blow tha wind

grass turns my mind into flooding

looking for a quiet season

no anxiety cos I'm used fo selfnness

normal beings of restless understanding

i'm used to resless sshyness

leaving this world I took the sacred knife

being my own victim

losing my entities

Ehyra who are you ?

what are your carrying about honesthy

oh brother I die for you

oh sister I die for you

I know your lying to me

my futhark informed me about it

who are the entities that shapes me

we have a spread of certainty

Where is infinity ?

I love infinity

souls emptiness leads to love and laughter

mindfullness don't fear about creepiy weirdows

Where have you been Ehyra ?

I know you travel through souls'n minds

caught you well in past time

Praising for you while in the night

day is night and nights are days

sleeping and eating only when I need to

I live wild as natural, real vitki preaching his life

lecture 167 Aufrufe
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