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The photo is picked up to the online researchers review (INSS, on May 1rst) with that frontpage : "Russian Influence Campaign Against Israel : Strategic and Cognitive Implications." A very rich content title : Russia, not China; Strategic and Cognitive, cognitive with any way of spying and destroying you can imagine and even cannot imagine if you don't follow both money and news, and if you are not concerned by THE ISSUE especially when it is a MEGA one. I like that photo because it shows that any lad, hidden face or mask, any individual who lies by any way he can, such a crook - THEFT (so to catch) - can interfere with your privacy : and there are different ways of interfering with your privacy, of VIOLATING your basic human right.
Why using today "to violate" verb ? Because it is the recurring word it is used regarding the ugly Defendant Trump. Glenn Kirschner - Justice Matters, yesterday (Twitter) - was talking about "the lection
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