Trump, Conspiracy, Israel & Europe ...
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Trump, Conspiracy, Israel & Europe ...
Caricature is good, including serious subjects. Starting with it can be followed by that statement (Twitter, June 8th) of Jack E. Smith : "If you've received over four million dollars worth in gifts, you're not an impartial Supreme Court Justice." Such a statement goes with Garland one against intimidations and revenges after sentences Justice. The point is clear, big the issue : IN AMERICA.
The point is not clear OUT OF AMERICA, at a kind of turning point for Democracy with a very big issue (like a very big deal and big lie) regarding antisemitism spread since October 7th - Israel attack by Hamas - and now a war with several components and armies (Lebanon, Iran, and so on). International Court Justice takes action against Israel or Netanyahu (as if it is the same) or against democracy and for terrorism. Then, conspiracies as coalitions can already be noticed ; a few European countries belong to what it looks like a plot, wherea
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