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Like a very worrisome and even worrying moment on international stage, where every country can appear and sometimes both can emerge and disappear, the question is raised about which countries are true democracies. The ISRAEL CASE, a complete fabrication of course with an untold reason (why that attack and why suddenly ?), is like a key among others for one answer. I chose the great, big writer and honest man Salman Rushdie (photo : "French 28mn" TV magazine), first of all because he embodies the one whose courage - RESISTANCE - shows us how difficult it is to commit oneself - by writing - for TRUTH and JUSTICE (The Rule of Law vindication for human rights that is by equality whoever you are : man, woman, child, Black, and so on) ; secondly, this man - who has just released his Knife (so symbolic from many viewpoints : sacrifice and so on) - dares commit oneself against wind (source : "L'important", Twitter, May 20th) but a boring bl
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