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Veröffentlicht am 22, März, 2020 Aktualisiert am 3, Juli, 2021 Kurioses
time 1 min
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I felt so wrong this morning cos I know we won't catch

neither facebook neither skype cos we broke up last week

asylum separated us and I'm sad of it ,

am skizoid but not sick, it's no disease it's a gift

but you misunderstood it

and now i feel bad cos I understand we'll never meet Nahilady

and it hurts me so much cos I was in luv for ya


did you joke at me I disknow, Nahilhady I loved you

you broke up cos i'm sick, but I'm ill of you now

but I miss you misista cos you broke up to earlly for me


with your long dark hairs, your skin so colourfull

I do miss you misista, your thonge n your eyes

your lips n your smile I do miss em also

colorfull Lady of my life I'll never can forget you

I stil love you four years after, I keep hoping in you,

I can't help loving you cos u look so hot such a beauty,

your grin is so spicy, long legs, your small breast

and a booty so irie, you were di queen of my life


sweet chatting over the net, sweet kidding over our souls

cos I make love to souls you felt it

nice laughing over fb before eyes diving over skype

true distance love is so hurting when your moneyless,

but remember that magick night we've had

I spent so much over textos, never did that before, never again

I won't feel it again so it hurts cos you were di lady of my life

misista nahilady

sometimes I drink to forget ya but I can't

so I drink to avoid sadness cos I was lovely mad of ya

just enough to forget my silliness having been so stupid

just enough to write that rupture song

but it's too late, but it's too late

and I'll move elsewhere to forget you

misista i've had a beautifull summer with ya

but it's over now.


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