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Magick Liberation

Magick Liberation

Veröffentlicht am 23, März, 2020 Aktualisiert am 3, Juli, 2021 Kurioses
time 2 min
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Magick Liberation

The energies are starting to rebalance.

Hard work to restore a reasonable spiritual flow

I did not understand my Gylfia more, it was distorted, uncontrollable.

Runes are love, if you do not live in love, then they will put you in there.

I found my futhark has bristled, he nearly killed me.

Fanatic fucking skulls, that is correct if you hurt someone using runes they will correct you.

By the eternal love of Frey and Vanadiz, may you find love in the collective consciousness and eternal blessing of Woden.

you must get up early to enjoy.

Loving think, loving acting, loving to love.

I do not sleep, I meditate, I do not dream, I travel.

On the core spirit I cross existences.

I give them a thought form, a symbol and a signified sense.

I sail with beer, I drink to Dyha.

I fly to delta9 I smoke Kahyna.

Finally with mescaline, I accepted and Mescalito and Ciguri

Jahmanism is a way of life and I fly with@ the eight winds on the vitki's way.

Maybe I'm a European Wizard - or not.

It doesn't matter,

because magic makes us, we do not do magic.

It is simply present in all eternity.

Before I prayed forgotten silence.

But it is not you ...

Then I cried silent,

it didn't always silent.

So I wanted to kill him,

I took a knife to banish it, but he cut the ring.

Then I lost faith

and the guardian of the abyss is too strong for me.

Chance does not exist, much less the coincidences, everything is an event.

When calm was finally made in me,

then the brothel was all around me.

I do not understand, I do not accept. Why did you inflicted that to me?

There are many of states of mind to go cross to access serenity.

I was obsessed, I skullfucked my brain.

Nothing worked, I could not shut them up thee succubs that obsessed me,

moving me away from the magical significance of love.

Love to them !

The industry practice sex magick to incite us to consume.

The magic of desire and the immediate satisfaction and ephemeral that must be renewed to feel alive ...


My love is eternal, it is equal to the one of thee prophets,

visionaries,  poet-sorcerers.

It's a long way from urban shamanism to break free from consumerist grip : I'm still in it.

What's good to belong an anarchist society that advocates disorder ?

They alienated life and disguised the messengers as an example not to follow.

I  fell into the trap then why not others?

They transmute Light into Darkness and ransack the work of the old alchemists.

Make people stupid and annihilate all critical sense to manipulate us.

The uniqueness is gone in favor of a fragile secular unity.

The sacredness was violated and love denatured.

In fact I am wiccan, this is the only possible path toward me to cross this ocean of organized debility and return to natural good sense from the Lord and the Lady.

Scientists do not accept magic, but science is magical and researchers illuminated.

Sometimes, rarely now.

We must destroy the idea of a single god,

because God did not make man or the earth or the universe :

it is mankind who created God to better control itself,

but the égrégore is out of control now.

Entities are endless and multiple,

so in fact I'm an Antitheist

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