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runick magick and talismany

runick magick and talismany

Veröffentlicht am 17, Mai, 2021 Aktualisiert am 19, Mai, 2021 Kultur
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runick magick and talismany



1 Introduction:

Futhark runes and their sequences are named made of an Indo-European primitive language whose origins are lost in the mists of time. They are generally considered a derivative of the Etruscan alphabet, but other unconfirmed or rather uncommitted suggest they would be earliest. There are runic inscriptions earlier primitive character to the Etruscan, some of which were dated to the Bronze Age. Orally and aurally it is assumed that they are the original sources of European languages ​​as diverse as German, English, Norse etc. the rune Is, or Isa, which means ice gave the word ICE in English. Nyd meaning given the need NEED English Fehur Fire savage gave feuer, fire ...

there are many examples.

The runes form a conceptual alphabet, they include 5 elements in a character or a name that can vary, a script, a symbolic sense, a tone and number. In this they are similar to the ancient Greek and Hebrew alphabets.

Runa could have meant intention whisper, mystery or secret. We thought of them, engraved on weapons they conferred powers are engraved on the beams of the houses they brought protection and happiness in the home, symbolically hidden in poems they could be spells or lessons on how to interpret the lore and myths as a spiritual angle on stelle a simple tribute dedicated to particular Honourable deceased. It is therefore understandable that their uses were many and varied. Because of their attributes "archetypal" these characters talk directly into the unconscious form of concepts as diverse as the elements, the cyclic movement, order and disorder or even intuitive knowledge accumulated in the collective memory through time.. A futhark alphabet is not, strictly speaking, an alphabet, it's a sequence in the sense that within the sequence each rune is in place for reasons of symbolic and phonetic similarities. They do not change, except that of Odal and Dag whose placement can be reversed.

The adept  of the runes magic was called a vitki, which has more or less the direction of magician or sorcerer. It is neither a priest (Gothart) nor a judge in the Althing, but something else ..

for me they were the kaoïst vitkars of ancestral times. Many vitkars work with the 24-character sequence of the old futhark. This is the most documented and therefore more accessible, but also more logical because such a day is divided into 24 hours .... divisible into 3 parts of eight hours they even divisible into 2 part 4 hours. This binary character is very interesting, therefore divides a runic day 6 parts of 4 hours .... we could still find other divisions, but this one is the path of the sun.

2 Meanings and phonetics.

I will not dwell on describing each rune in depth but rather give them the keys to understanding, intuitive means a lot to those who work with futharks.

I 'll give the English name and Germain, then some symbols associated with the rune, then phonetics and cash value will come in a subpart.

Because I'm not Nordic, I tend to work in an English connotation system language easier to understand. I am not of those traditionalists who will say you need to know by heart the runic lore to use magic runes, of course it helps to have read the sagas or Eddas translation but for me the essence is in practice,

I commit this further from the third party.

First Prev aettir:

Feho | Fehur: primordial fire, wild. Pronounced "F."

Ur | Uruz: strength, heart derives its strength from the earth and the great aurochs which roamed before disappearing, it pronounced "OR / OO"

Thorn / Thurizaz: protection, flash, mind power. In the tradition asatru rune is strongly related to aka-Thor and the frost giants (Thurses). This pronounced "th" (v)

Az | Ansuz Rune of the divine. Etymologically this rune is linked to Aezirz, the gods of Asgard. Ansuz represents the divine aspet under his control, balancing and source of wisdom. This pronounced "AA" (extended)

Rad | Raidho: Rad is the wheel of the vehicle and the road, an important rune for astral travel. It means the ride, such Wottan on his eight-legged horse sleipnir, the traveler left his physical body and guided by Rad can not lose. Pronounced "R"

Ken | Kenaz: flame, illuminating light, knowledge. Kenaz is linked to the transforming power of light, it has the shape of the flame of the torch that guides the researcher in search of knowledge magic in the darkness. This is the rune that guides the vitki into death and back to life. Pronounced "K, C"

Gyfu | Gebo: gift of self, trust in others. Gyfu is related to the relationship between human beings. One could say that a community rune, that of positive support for a common purpose. Pronounced "G"

Wynja | Wunjo: joy, will, perseverance. The will to succeed and success resulting provides a serene joy. It is a balance point linked to personal achievement. This pronounced like a "W" in English. So much for the aettir Frey. It is linked to enlightenment and inner knowing. And so with wisdom

Second aettir:

Hag | Hagalaz: Hail. Rune mother, hagal is the rune of transforming power. Hail falling from the sky, changing the surface and flows into the earth. It is a link between the world of the top, middle earth where we live and underground worlds. In the tradition asatru it is related to Urd, the Norn of old. In divination way it is a rune that indicates a deadlock, and it means the need for a change imperative to move forward and is strongly linked to the forces of the unconscious. Pronounced "H"

Nyd | Not: need, necessity, absence. Nyd is related to the forces of chaos and should be used sparingly. Summon Nyd is both invoke chaos and fight against, to break free. Pronounced "N"

Is | Isaz: Ice. It is the polar opposite of Ken. Magic Is can freeze a situation, but biased by Ken it also gives the fluidity of water which allows the change. it is pronounced I

The previous three runes are runes of the binder and infamous magic.

Jara / Jeran: cycle season. Jara is the rune of permanent renewal. Something ends, has been completed and another begins. She has several meanings about the importance of knowledge . In Deosil two nested KEN without touching in the direction of clockwise, it accelerates a process in anti-idling Deosil it. I visualized turning on a main road and I use to start or stop the Gnostic processes used for a projected Sijil. The sound is "Y''

Eoh / Eihwaz: this is an important rune. Eoh is associated with yew. Yggdrasil, the world is a tree If, ​​Woden was hanged to the tree for having the science of futharks. This is the rune of the cult of the dead and interior rebirth. It is used to get into the ecstatic journeys. It also governs the fives elements of the old European tradition, and is associated with Skadi, Woden, seasons. Its phonetic is "EO"

Peorth / Pertho: Peorth is related to chance and gambling It corespond the rules, common sense and the results arising from the aplication of logic.. The magic is not it for some manipulation of chance. Then she'll designate what came into existence, which is embodied in the matrix. One possible use is the analysis of Peorth is the Wyrd, fate, the unavoidable and can be used to recall past experiences and draw lessons, rules. Phonetics is "P"

Elhaz / Algiz. It is a defense rune. Its shape is that of a man who prays Hemdall arms raised to the sky. When I have a bad feeling, I feel bad waves I draw this Rune the look and mentally pronouncing it away. Siblings engraved on the beams of the houses to provide protection against theft and has a classic pattern of medieval architecture. The sound is "ZZ"

Sigel / Sowello: the victory rune. This rune a dark contemporary history since she was chosen for the SS, the elite units of the Nazi regime. She was burned to death knife that was given to them that at the end of their lethal training.. In reality it is the beneficial forces of the sun. She dissolved the darkness and brings things to life by its heat and radiation, hence its assignment to the notion of victory. It can serve the healing process by channeling waves magnetism of the sun. The iridescent viewed Strike Level is a good line of OND, we capture in Ingwaz for reuse later. The õnd is the European equivalent of prana, of ki, mana. The sound is "S"  Here was the aetirr of Heimdal which is linked to notions of process and natural elements.

3rd aettir:

Tyr / Teiwaz This is the second god rune. It is linked to Tyr / Ziu and the sense of justice. Aesirs of justice, not of men. It is a rune that brings the success of the one who is right, who sacrifices for a cause. It is directly connected to this notion of sacrifice for the good of all by the Tyre myth making snatch Fenis hand when the Aesir enchainent. There is this notion of courage and acceptance of fate in this rune. Do what you have to and go there with a smile. It can be mantralised in difficult trials of life that everyone goes through a day to ward off the evil eye and return to the right path. But each time time it is used in a charming part against it requires a gift. Not necessarily a sacrifice, but can stop acting as a hobby and make things square. The sound is "t"

Beorc / Berkannaz: Another rune but ongoing cycle associated with the healing process. There are only mountains that never meet, but she will see. She quoted a saving in the acceptance that is small facing the mountains and the forces of nature. In ecstatic magic seidrh kind it is used to the ban and closing rituals to ward residues. The sound is "B"

Eh / Ehwaz: rune of movement. This is the rune of horses, moving . It will be used to activate and project the galdr. While beorc closes an ecstatic ritual, Ehwaz launches. This is the rune of related charms. It is used when everything is ready and that the sequence was assembled to project and reduced to its simplest form.

This is a charming example that uses ehwaz to divert someone from his path: He Was King was traveling through ice and he falled in a deep hole. We are in ehwaz rad isa nyd and hagal. It is a black charm that used to bound ehwaz rad (astral movement) isa (movement block) nyd (and thus also attracts discomfort) and hag ('m falling chaos, sense chutte) e sound is expired . "Eh"

Man / Mannaz rune of human consciousness. Summation of all human qualities gained through experience. It could make sense to return to self, I use it to refocus after having practiced a gnosis. It is linked to microcosm therefore analogies with the homecoming, for regeneration. An analysis of its form and show two isa ken canceling or two Wynja connected by the tip. Two Wynja connected will be an accumulation of will and joy, thus Mannaz is a cohesion rune. The sound is "M"

Lag / Laguz water rune from  liquid forces of nature, the river current, the power of the tides, the waves and undertow. It is therefore related to energy and fluctuation of the OND. It can be used for example to dissolve psychic blockages or to make it more fluid flow of OND in the body. Phonetics is "L"

Ing / Ingwaz: Third rune god after Ansuz and Teiwaz. Rune concentration and gathering ideas. It can be used to channel energies and ideas, analogies for later use in esoteric work. It'll be used to reflect and elaborate rituals, charms or talismany. Ingwaz given to all terminations of English Ing again with a sense of doing something and is going to come to, is making, is hapening etc ... The sound is "ng"

Odal / Othallan : it is a rune strongly linked to intuitive knowledge and logic and the mastery of things. It connects to innerself, the internal knowledge. Work with Odal have allowed me to develop intuition. It has analogies with the notion of liberation. But freedom is not doing anything, it's also respect others and their living space. Which brings us to respect the rules of family life and societal life. In magic, as it will serve to reflect Ing rituals but there Ing channels for reuse or later the effects are immediate and focus on personal and terrestrial space.

Dag / Dagaz: dag means the day and gave the German Tag and the English Day. But a tag is a marker. This is a powerful blocking and it can serve to neutralize the intrusive thoughts. The day follows night, so there is the concept of polarity, work on Dag associations can bring interesting ideas.

That's the third aettir. One of Tyre is the magical power of aettir and conaissance.

Numerology :

the simplest system assigns numbers as the place of a particular rune in the sequence. Example Elhaz 15 Wynja 9 Feho 1 etc. The addition amounts to 300 and can create scriptical runes related analytical or the names of the Nordic pantheon deities another angle that mythology, archetypes analogies then change radically.

Units 1, 2 3 Energy spiritual energy trap,

triangle 4 soul of creation, god. Alfaord.

5 6 microcosm macrocosm holistic inteligence lucky

8 7 Balance, Polarity

9 nine worlds from the explosion of Ginnungagap, substance of the universe, the center of the eight winds Inertia

12 11 10 Potentiality year, seasons

13 destruction / creation, bad luck, ragnarok

14 Involution

15 the wyrd, the destiny Divine Power

17 16 Immortality /

18 Asgard wisdom, higher plane,

19 transmission revival, symbolism, Resolution

20 Mental Power

21 22 comunication flows, expansion of consciousness

23 access to what is not conscious, influence on the destiny

24 time.


I use it a bit like guamatries of qaballistes. Woden take it conpose of 9 + 23 + 24 + 19 + 10 = 85 = 8 + 5 = 13 is immediately fall again on the symbolism of woden / Alfaord who is the creator / destroyer original. It démenbre with his two brothers vili and vé mimir the giant, who lives in the abyss then they created Ginnungagap the world with different parts of her body. > 1 + 3 = 4 are graves on the first rune God. This energy of Aesir and Woden is the head of the Aesir.

this system works, it is extremely powerful to understand Asatru deities other than through the study of the lore, which often induces error because it is replete with often obscure kenningars.

The kennings are a way of naming something or someone with a comparison or analogy.

Then Heimdall is the guardian deity of the cosmic order, called the Aesir watchman as he monitors Bifrost, the bridge of souls who goes out of the world to go to the upper world: 9 + 19 + 11 + 20 + 23 + 4 + 22 + 22 = 130> 13 is the number of graves on ragnarok.

Again it corespond since Heimdall announces the ragnarok other deities of asatru pantheon > 1 + 3 = 4 As you come across, the rune that symbolizes the energy of the Aesir Heimdall and is part of the Aesir. Heimdall is therefore an Aesir god, guardian of balance Creation / Destruction. During ragnarok inside the energies of Heimdall will cancel with those of Loki.

Loki is the son of a giant and Laufey (love? ...) Kind of unknown deity, it is unclear whether it is the type of genomic (sub terraine) valve (fertility / kind) ase (sedentary / feudal world) or simply a Another thurse (giant archetype chaotic kind) Loki  is often understood as a kind of Satan, Devil, but that is not the case.

Its role is to force the family of Aesir to excel by confronting them with their narcissism. Malicious, it puts the Aesir without stop in front of their responsibility and that is why he can not stop slander, because he puts them into fault .. it to stop the flow of a Lautreamont , well, his name starts with Lag, the rune of spiritual flow. 21 + 23 + 6 + 11 = 61> 6 + 1 = 7 lucky. Down self

When reading the Eddas or the book by Georges Dumézil devoted to Loki we realize that Loki is lucky in his misfortune. He always finds a way to get him or pull his companions out of bad situations. Moreover he often donated him against the other gods, who do not like it. We perceive with this analysis that Loki is not the archetypal evil that is believed. It is closer to a kind of Djinn.

I will not do all entities from the asatru pantheon, but I find this way of functioning relevant.

There is another system that has been developed by armanists in the previous century. Like armaniste sequence Guido Von list based on Hagal rune whose number is 9, the system is on a cash basis 9. aettir the first is 1 to 9, then from Hagal, each subsequent position in the sequence is a summation of 9.

I do not know to use this system and I do not like armanistes so I would not allow myself to explain it. It is a system based on chaos and generator problems, the Nazis were influenced by the speeches of wolkish and rascists armanistes.

3  Talismanic poetry

The principle is to bind runes by phonetic or symbolic analogy in verses of a short poem. We first create the sequence you want to combine and then reduce it in a short similar poem, a poem that will form a powerful mantra that it could be possible to transform a seal if it is hard.

But always start simple, three runes related enough to make an effective charm. I highly recommend the infamous magic that always turns against the person who issued it, even if it was self-defense. I've made the painful experience.

There are 4 steps to follow:

1 study of the sequence and under / power / knowledge is desired.

2 Writing to a single or runes are hidden or symbolic analogy phonetically Reduced to

3 in what I call a mantra sigil

4 projection, engraving and forget.

Let's say we want to get enlightenment, consciousness of Aesir and knowledge of lightning charms. We'll have to use Kenaz, Ansuz and Thorn. This short sequence is reduced in a verse that could give, always in English for my part, Light of the soul is like the fire was burning tree Because of Miolnirs's Thunder. Why such a sentence? That explains the choice of words: Ken illumination (Light, Fire) Illumination is like a different light on the real, and it burns forever once it has obtained. Furthermore kenaz also symbolizes the fire of the soul. The consciousness of a Aezir, Ansuz (tree, soul) Woden is aesir which remained hanged nine days on a tree for his enlightenment and knowledge of seihrd. The lightning charms Thorn (Miolnir's thunder) Miolnir is the hammer of Thor, aka. It balances the scales without stop at the head of the giant, it crushes them. Lightning sets fire to trees and it is through this that prehistoric man got fire for the first time. Moreover, my understanding is the Thorn rune spells casters, it can also be used in defense than attack, causing unforeseen changes and simultaneously brings knowledge of the giants and the protective force-aka Thor

This process of "poetic sigilisation" can be applied in seconds and stay efficient a long time by what you do think more runes which were used in the charm, she is concealed without having to project them.

Now as I am a hard, biffons the galdr.

Light of the soul is like the fire of a burning tree Because of Miolnnir's Thunder.

LGHTFSKRBNM IOUEA sigiling the mantra could be:

lugh omt is drenk af.

We perceive then that the name of Lugh appears and ken and Iz and the powerful ohm undue. This mantra to a length of 15 letters, so it is connected based Elhaz, protection of destiny, of the wyrd vitki. But we must see further and will be the last step: the mantra transforms back into Runic character and its cash value account to discover the symbolism appeared final.

Lag Urzz Gyf HagOd Tyre Man Is Rad Dag Sig Well Nyd Ken Az Feho 21 + 2 + 7 + 9 + 23 + 20 + 17 + 11 + 24 + 5 + 19 + 10 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 179

this number gives Feho Gyfu Hag>

FeGyHa was natural fire it takes to tame the torch of Kenaz, the rune of Aesirs which we wanted to get consciousness and it is interesting that hagal so. This indicates that obtained power over hail, hail, like the melt falls from the sky and destroyed the ground slag in the regenerating, nourishing when the background. The fire of lightning purified by fire (feho) it comes from a Ase (Ansuz, this is also sought in the beginning) and destroyed by the power of nature. (Hag) Finally Gyfu out to Middle.This is the rune of trust between partners, and the gift of self.
Giving  is an important aspect of the skaldiknesotericism, we do not do things for himself but for others. Which brings the word out FeGyHA, which approximates Fylgya.

The Filgya is for vitki, its permanent double the messenger of his soul. It rarely occurs but is recognised easily. It appears in the form of an animal following you and seems to want to deliver a message. We must listen, embodied his appearances often occur at the end of a stage or in difficult times. However, filgya is an important element of esotericism asatru, it must feed constantly and do not hurt because it is twice the soul of the magician who reasons and speaks it. Occasionally it can appear in human form that are going to challenge you on your way, seeming to know much about you as you do not know this person neither Eve nor Adam.

At the beginning of work on the runes it is important to invoke and name for it is she who will guide the adept on the path of the eight winds. This is an equivalent of the totem animal of Native American medicine-mens. Mine appears at night in the form of a feline following me and growling insistently, I've only seen 6 times in 18 years of practice but dialogue with it is permanent.

1 + 7 + 9 = 17 Teiwaz ultimately it falls on a rune wisdom which is the fruit of enlightenment. A charming bound positive was carried out, the runes were transformed and given result wisdom of enlightenment

Use of charm:

it is possible to repeat the mantra is lughomtidrenk as continuously as a loop throughout the night to turn in the distorting, reversing the letters, pronouncing the syllables rune in order to impregnate in the unconscious. The next day, take a short wooden stick and burn the runes of the mantra on a wooden stick and the plant in the wild.
The results may surprise you.

Or classic, made a sketch, a seal and project like the kaoïst in the usual method. This works the same way because a sigil or talisman

works the same way, by reduction of symbolic analogies projection and then forget. Personally I find it easier to forget a rune talisman that the intention contained in a sigil because futharks are already themselves a language that speaks to the unconscious.
Runes are supernatural, archetypal, their science was forgotten and she deserves to be dusted and modernized, the traditionalists of Asatru are interesting because they are anchored in the past, looking for solutions in the former manuscrist translation very dark and the few gents who have a thorough knowledge on the subject to custody or charge them with gold.

Some other galdrs I created:

There is a ring to forget if u want to move. (Rad, Jara, Ehwaz)

Health comes with trust. (Beorc, Gyfu)

If u want to swim into ether you first do-have to fall. (Laguz, Hagal, Elhaz)

Emptyness is true awareness (Hagal, Teiwaz, Manaz)

4 Training:

To handle futharks it is important to train mentally pronounce the first, by chaining them verbally and then slowly at first, by their phonetic link and in order.

Progressing Aettir by Aettir.

Then when the flow is where we can begin to mix, to seek the runes are alike, those opposing or complementary, those that link directly in their names, their phonemes or analogies.

This way of linking sequences, to track down like Carlos Castaneda will help to develop a stream that will be on permanent conscious intention to manipulate and trance conscience when planning a galdr .. Runes are the hardcore intentionalism, mental practice strongly related to chaos, the abyss and the archetypes of the unconscious.

Then we can start to project when the mind will be integrated and this is where it gets interesting.
With perseverance we become able to slow down the perception of time by breaking down all the words that we hear in runes, the sub flow interposing with cognition, perception of reality.

Through this it will become possible to intervene on reality by inserting runes in the speech. Everything is mental, I do very little to say them, but gestures, visualizing, mantralisation, projection with time devienent a breeze and soon known to rune PRAY to unlock this or that unpleasant situation.

Everything must remain in the invisible and nameless. Say what one does is spoil the work. It takes time to get to and madness lurks the adept at all times, especially in the pre-ragnarok phase and that's why it's important to go step by step.

Runic practice is pure chaos, it is a manipulation of consciousness, permanently, a way to cheat appearances and reality.

Like any esoteric practice it is absolutely necessary to keep a diary of experiences accumulated over time, this will come back to such a phase where we learned something important and To analyze the failures. If it does not then the diary that we learn of futharks will start from where it came, and it would be a shame to lose a personal wisdom treasure as precious. It is easy to put it and it quickly becomes a game and a passion. It is quickly pleasure, reflection raisonement accelerates and becomes more relevant, then we finally realize that the barbarians, the Celts, the Vikings were far from the thugs but a people with a strong awareness of holistic nature of reality.
Finally, a good way to understand a rune is to break down the door or names it and analyze its spelling.

Kenaz is the flame of a torch, a stalagtite Isa, Peorth a cartridge, Odal a head or a pen, beorc two equivalent sized mountains Teiwaz pulled a spear etc.

Example of decomposition of a Rune:

Manaz. It consists primarily of its manaz root and Ansuz, Nydh and Algiz. It therefore includes elements related to consciousness, the link that united the divine being, the need to get closer and protection that comes from union with.

Also it is necessary to analyze the composition of the spelling, Manaz can be seen as two Winja the tips turned inward, or 2 with two Isaz Kenaz. Once acquired basis, decomposition work is crucial to advance in the understanding of sequences, antagonism and polarity between letters.
5 concluding

The runes were used in the art of magical fight or physical, served to enlightenment many medieval sorcerers. They conferred the power to change into animals and steal, to have the strength of bears, cunning wolves, boars power, the martial art was based on, they were omnipresent in the life of the Germanic and Nordic Pre-Catholic where the Roman Empire never could establish long time ..

They were also used in divination, in oratorical contests for the protection of the home or downright included in the architecture. we must not forget that Snorri's Edda was compiled in the 13th century when the Viking culture was dying out. The Vikings are the apogee of this culture born in the dawn of time, the heart of Europe, they ruled Europe at the 8th 12th century then disappeared, their millenarian culture, having been absorbed and digested.

opposed feudal Christianity.

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