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GREEN TALES News with Glenn Micallef

GREEN TALES News with Glenn Micallef

Veröffentlicht am 6, Feb., 2025 Aktualisiert am 6, Feb., 2025 Kultur
time 1 min
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GREEN TALES News with Glenn Micallef

Year-End Cultural Evening & Concert 🎶

On December 9, the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (IYMF) partnered with Europa Nostra to host an unforgettable cultural evening at the iconic Royale Belge in Brussels, marking the conclusion of the year.

During the event, Glenn Micallef, the new European Commissioner for Intergenerational Fairness, Youth, Culture, and Sport, delivered an inspiring message, emphasizing the vital role of arts and culture in education and fostering social inclusion.

Guests also had the opportunity to discover the GREEN TALES project. Informative brochures available at the entrance provided insight into its mission: merging art, sustainability, and education.

GREEN TALES is an educational project embracing cultural diversity. Created by the teams at the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation, it aims to unleash young students' creative energy around environmental, digital, cultural, and linguistic challenges.

Explore the behind-the-scenes of GREEN TALES on Panodyssey in this Creative Room and learn more about the project’s partners on the GREEN TALES website - Alexandre Leforestier

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