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Light each day enters, and political stage is coming to be clearer : no Deep State, a fantasy launched on Twitter by Roger Stone (and Donald Trump, he finally endorses, and Julian Assange), who tries to get back a beginning of a speech but such one which cannot be free and won't never be free; but black suit and suitcases (no new, none originality) : MOB, Mafia. So, I chose the photo (source : "Morning Brew", April 16th) of the ocean depths and the sea bed because it is a symbol of what DEMOCRACY (Planet, and so on) as sane regime has to do : getting to the BOTTOM without any compromise especially during a Presidency run like now (no ballots by hush money), like a treasure to save from now less dark waters than yesterday ; the topic of REEF, so of SEA or OCEAN - map - is important in politic as threat of POLLUTION/CORRUPTION.
On the Israel fronts or regarding ISRAEL CASE, the global news is Jewish State attacked by Iran (after
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