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A BIG ISSUE (Trump Trials Ahead)

A BIG ISSUE (Trump Trials Ahead)

Veröffentlicht am 14, Mai, 2024 Aktualisiert am 14, Mai, 2024 Kultur
time 3 min
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A BIG ISSUE (Trump Trials Ahead)


"154 million lives saved in 50 years : 5 charts on the global success of vaccines" : that's headline as the argument like a promotion by an article (with the photo, see above) we can read online into The Conversation (May 13th). Obviously it's a reminder. Why is it ? Is it useful to remind us, maybe except for fanatism which always, systematically, refuses vaccines ? A religious one and current fanatism like any extremism (political one, too) is going to endanger the world with some conflicts and attrition wars like war against Ukraine or Israel ; could vaccination be linked to some conflicts ? Okay, anyhow, vaccines are synonymous with progress, civilization health advance. But which need to remind us ? It reports a new research from the University of Sidney ; I quote, because I find some ambiguity into that defense of vaccines : "But global drops in vaccines coverage pose a risk." COVERAGE or INFORMATION, or code of ethics any jou

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