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Vain Mystifications, Still Deceitful Act

Vain Mystifications, Still Deceitful Act

Pubblicato 10 ott 2023 Aggiornato 10 ott 2023 Cultura
time 3 min
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Vain Mystifications, Still Deceitful Act



Since the "huge seditious criminal conspiracy" as first charge upon Trump or/and start of an ongoing enlarged INVESTIGATION - its enemy : DIS/MIS.INFORMATION as OBSTRUCTION - which leads in America to "Trump Trials", MOTIVE(S) is/are questionable and mainly unknown perhaps even secret; anyway: no satisfying frame, not a (full)filled one whereas the THEFT is at least the fact (one among others ?) : it is not Art but Politic (power uses, past and present one regarding History) and Family (civilian, citizen) ISSUES which are concerned by CRIME(S), firstly since The Classified Documents Case (Espionage case including) and secondly since the Corona Case or the untold covidian object, with the so called COVID19 or code name with a still not been found virus. So, thank you (thank you very much) for the photo into The Art Newspaper Daily (Oct. 10th) whose headline is : "Art fraud has hijacked the conversation again, but calls for stronge

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